Si 266®

Si 266® reacts with hydroxyl groups of white fillers during mixing and with the polymer during vulcanization under formation of covalent chemical bonds.

Typical Applications

Low rolling resistance tire treads

Benefits at a glance

Si 266® imparts greater tensile strength, higher moduli, reduced compression set, increased abrasion resistance, and optimized dynamic properties.
The product is also available as a dry blend (1:1) with carbon black, named X 266-S®.

Product Details

Further Information


The storage stability only applies to material stored under appropriate conditions:
- original un-opened packaging
- stored dry and frost-free
- protected from direct sunlight
Aqueous acids and bases accelerate the transformation of organosilanes to polymeric siloxanes. Therefore, organosilanes should be stored in a dry place, away from acids and bases.
The quality of this product can also be influenced by moisture (humidity). During handling and storage, please prevent humidity from entering the container. Keep container tightly closed during storage and close it immediately after use.


1.000 kg IBC
25 kg pails on 800 kg plastic pallet

Shelf life:

min. 12 months

Markets & Applications