BL AO Evonik and Steinbeis Papier join forces to reduce CO2 emissions in recycled paper
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Full Circle Sustainability

Even in an increasingly digital age, we cannot do without paper. Active Oxygens supplies Steinbeis Papier GmbH, the European market leader in recycled graphical papers made from 100% recovered paper, with “Way to GO2” certified carbon-neutral hydrogen peroxide, which significantly reduces CO2 emissions.

As a company, Steinbeis Papier dates back to 1863. Yet it was around 50 years ago that the traditional paper manufacturer took a decisive turn in its history. In 1976, the company decided that its site in Glückstadt near Hamburg would produce exclusively from 100% recycled paper — a bold decision at a time when terms like recycling and sustainability were not yet mainstream. Today, this decision is paying off: Nearly 300,000 tons of recycled paper left the factory gates in 2023 without the need to cut down a single new tree.

Sustainability Deeply Rooted In The Company’s DNA

“ReThinking Paper” is the motto of the sustainability pioneer. “We place more value on actions than on words, though,” points out Marketing Director Veronika Warmers. “The slogan ‘ReThinking Paper’ describes our self-identity, emphasizing that the first step towards more sustainability is the ability to think in new directions. Because if it’s not sustainable, we don’t do it!” This approach is implemented consistently: The company sources its used paper from a radius of around 250 kilometers. For larger customers, Steinbeis Papier even picks up the waste paper itself. Where possible, exports to European customers are handled intermodally. Steinbeis Papier operates one of the most modern recycling plants in Europe. The surface water required for production is taken from the local Elbe River. After being cleaned, it is then used as industrial water for the entire manufacturing process. 

Internal water treatment cycles enable multiple uses before it is returned to the Elbe via the company’s own fully biological wastewater treatment plant. “We don’t want to waste a single drop,” emphasizes Veronika Warmers. “Residual materials left over from production are prepared as substitute fuels for our power plant.” This waste then supplies all the thermal energy needed for the production process, and combined heat and power generation covers about half of the additional electricity needed. The result is an energy-efficient, low-emission, and resource-conserving industrial operation that saves 73 percent of energy and 79 percent of water compared to comparable virgin fiber production. These efforts have been recognized: Steinbeis Papier received the German Sustainability Award in both 2008 and 2023.

An Environmentally Friendly Bleaching Agent

“We want our products to contribute to positive change,” says Veronika Warmers. “That’s why, just like in nature, we think of everything in cycles.” All Steinbeis-produced recycled papers have received the “Blue Angel” eco-label and are fully comparable to the non-recycled kind. With their high degree of whiteness, the products are even visually indistinguishable from virgin-fiber papers.

In addition to the classic printing and copying papers, the range includes magazine papers for offset printing and digital printing. Recently, Steinbeis Papier has also been distributing wet-strength and non-wet-strength label papers made from 100% recycled paper. These are used on bottles, jars, and cans on supermarket shelves.

Production needs more than just recycled paper and water, however. Chemicals are also necessary. Sodium hydroxide, for example, helps to detach the printing ink from the recycled paper. Hydrogen peroxide reduces the yellowing effect caused by sodium hydroxide and ensures that recycled paper comes out bright white. “The advantage of hydrogen peroxide is that it is an environmentally friendly bleaching agent,” says Steinbeis Product Manager Andreas Steenbock. He is also responsible for quality in production and handles sustainability topics. “Hydrogen peroxide meets all the requirements of the ‘Blue Angel’ eco-label, as it ultimately decomposes into water and oxygen.” The chemical thus leaves very little impact on the environment.

Win-Win Situation Through Sustainability Certificates

As customer demand for whiter recycled paper continues to rise, so does the use of hydrogen peroxide in production. “Currently, we purchase around 4,000 tons of hydrogen peroxide per year,” says Andreas Steenbock.

One supplier is Evonik, whose Active Oxygens business line is pursuing a sustainability strategy of its own. By following its “Way to GO2” roadmap, the peroxide specialist aims to progressively switch its production to more sustainable sources, such as renewable energy and green hydrogen. This transformation is already in full swing at several of the business line’s 20 global production sites. As a result, the production of hydrogen peroxide is becoming increasingly sustainable as the associated CO2 emissions are reduced. By 2040, all Active Oxygens production plants worldwide are expected to run in a climate-neutral manner.

The progress of this transformation is reflected positively in the ongoing calculation of the product carbon footprint. Evonik Active Oxygens can pass these benefits on to its customers through a “book-and-claim” mechanism – a process that has been audited, monitored, and certified by rigorous testing expert TÜV Rheinland. 

The result: Evonik Active Oxygens can already label the green portion of its portfolio with “Way to GO2” sustainability certificates and offer these for purchase.

Ultimately, the certificates enable a win-win situation. “While we can use the revenue from the certificate sales to initiate further sustainability measures, buyers continue to receive hydrogen peroxide of the usual quality while crediting the certificates towards their own sustainability efforts,” explains Christoph Batz-Sohn, Director of Sustainable Transformation at Evonik Active Oxygens.

Steinbeis Papier was happy to take up this option. After all, the paper specialist is already vigorously transforming the part of its production that is within its own sphere of influence. However, for the Scope 3 emissions that stem from further upstream in the supply chain, the company relies on cooperation with its suppliers. This is where the Evonik certificates come into play. “For us, it was crucial that our contacts at Evonik Active Oxygens understand and share our attitude towards sustainability. Only then can we create added value together that goes beyond the mere delivery of hydrogen peroxide,” says Marketing Manager Veronika Warmers.

For us, it was crucial that our contacts at Evonik Active Oxygens understand and share our attitude towards sustainability. Only then can we create added value together that goes beyond the mere delivery of hydrogen peroxide.
Veronika Warmers | Marketingleiterin at Steinbeis Papier

Reduced Scope 3 Emissions

In 2024, Steinbeis Papier will purchase 2,000 tons of “Way to GO2”-certified hydrogen peroxide from Evonik Active Oxygens. “This enables us to reduce our Scope 3 by 1,120 tons of CO2 in 2024,” reports Andreas Steenbock. He is able to quantify this amount so precisely through a calculation tool used at Steinbeis Papier. It tracks Scope 3 emissions nearly to the day: The quantity of a particular product purchased is assigned an emissions factor determined by external sustainability experts. Evonik manager Batz-Sohn is impressed by this system: “Steinbeis Papier is one of our major customers and is one of the first to have established such a tracking system. Steinbeis assigns sustainability a concrete and traceable value. All the better that our certificates have a positive impact on it.”

Steinbeis Papier is one of our major customers and is one of the first to have established such a tracking system. Steinbeis assigns sustainability a concrete and traceable value. All the better that our certificates have a positive impact on it."
Christoph Batz-Sohn | Director Sustainable Transformation at Evonik Active Oxygens

As more and more emissions are reduced from Evonik’s hydrogen peroxide production, so does the proportion of emissions also decline in Steinbeis Papier’s recycled paper. A positive effect for Andreas Steenbock: “For us, it was crucial that TÜV Rheinland independently assess and validate the ‘Way to GO2′ certificates. This allows us to keep credible documentation in our system and maintain transparency in our presentation. This is much more beneficial for both ourselves and for the environment than unsubstantiated claims, which could be vulnerable to accusations of greenwashing.”

Steinbeis Papier sees itself as well on the way toward basing its entire production and value chain on a foundation of environmental responsibility while saving both energy and resources. “We are pleased that Evonik is ready to adapt to changing market conditions and business requirements.

This makes them a strategic partner for us,” emphasizes Andreas Steenbock. Indeed, Evonik Active Oxygens has proven a trusted partner for Steinbeis Papier’s high standards: In 2024, Steinbeis Papier gave Evonik its very top rating in a general supplier evaluation.

This ranking was due in part to product and service quality as well as compliance with environmental requirements. With this rating comes the expectation of continued collaboration on ongoing improvements for a sustainable, circular economy.

Speaking of closing a circle: At the site in Marl, Germany, Evonik also uses the high-quality printing and copying papers from Steinbeis. “The value chain is not always only linear, and sometimes a customer is also a supplier,” says Batz-Sohn. “Thus, a sustainability gain for one is a gain for all.”

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