Governance & Compliance

Good and responsible management of the company (Corporate Governance) is not only an important element of Evonik’s corporate philosophy, it is also a sustainability topic of high relevance. That also applies to compliance – full observance of all applicable laws, internal regulations and binding voluntary commitments. You will find more regarding governance and compliance in the following pages.


Code of Conduct


Human rights

Corporate Governance

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Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance comprises all principles for the management and supervision of a company. In this regard corporate governance is an expression of good and responsible corporate management and a key element in Evonik’s management philosophy.

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Value-oriented Management

Financial management of Evonik is based on a consistent system of value-oriented indicators. These are used to assess the business performance of the operational units and the Group. Through systematic alignment to these indicators, Evonik endeavors to create value by raising profitability and ensuring profitable growth.

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Risk Management

Evonik has an internal risk management structure covering the entire Group. Alongside organizational measures and internal control systems, this is supported by Corporate Audit as a process-unrelated controlling and consulting body. The Evonik Group has issued a binding policy on risk management.

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Directors’ Dealings

The members of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board of Evonik Industries AG as well as persons closely associated with them, are required by Article 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) to notify Evonik and the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) of all transactions relating to the shares or debt instruments of Evonik or to derivatives or other financial instruments linked thereto ("Managers’ Transactions").

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Governance Bodies

Separation of "corporate management" and "corporate supervision" and allocation of these functions to two separate bodies—an Executive Board on the one hand and a Supervisory Board on the other—is a characteristic feature of the German corporate governance system and thus the basis of Evonik's governance structure.