close up white chicken in cage farm

Animal Nutrition & Health

Evonik's Innovative Solutions for Animal Nutrition & Health

Evonik leads with innovative solutions for sustainable animal nutrition and animal health.

Our flagship amino acid, MetAMINO®, is a testament to our dedication to quality and efficiency. As the essential amino acid methionine, MetAMINO® is unrivaled in its bioefficacy and purity, exceeding 99%. This directly digestible source of DL-methionine not only promotes superior meat yield and feed conversion but also ensures easy handling and precise dosing, particularly for monogastrics. For ruminants, our Mepron® offers a rumen-stable form of methionine, delivering this vital nutrient to the small intestine for maximum absorption, thus boosting dairy performance while contributing to environmental stewardship. 

Our probiotics and other functional feed additives improve the overall condition of the animals and help farmers to improve the quality of their products, the profitability of their business and solve sustainability challenges at the same time. 

Take Ecobiol® as an example. Comprising the natural, fast-growing Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CECT 5940, Ecobiol® is a robust gut flora stabilizer that maintains intestinal microbial balance for poultry, swine, and aquaculture. Ecobiol® Fizz, a soluble probiotic tablet, gives you a fast and easy way to support a naturally balanced microbiota via your water system. 

Our silica products, such as SIPERNAT® 2200 and D17, are pivotal in the manufacturing and processing of animal feeds. These silicas serve as carriers, transforming liquids into powders for even distribution, precise nutrient dosing, and prevention of caking during storage and transportation 32. This not only optimizes manufacturing processes but also conserves resources by preventing feed waste. 

Additionally, our portfolio includes advanced catalysts like Metalyst® and KALCAT™ for industrial and life science applications, demonstrating our versatility and commitment to leading-edge technology. These catalysts are integral to a variety of hydrogenation reactions, underpinning the synthesis of key compounds across sectors. 

At Evonik, we are sciencing the global food challenge. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, we are dedicated to securing the future of food for the eight billion lives that depend on it, all while acting with exceptional care and responsibility.

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