No Chance For Moisture
If something is extremely solid, it is often said “that's as hard as concrete”. Exactly this solidity makes concrete one of the most used materials in the construction industry. Approx. 29.0 million tons of cement as an essential component for the manufacture of concrete were used in Germany in 2018. According to the association of German cement manufacturers, VDZ, the figure was roughly 0.4% higher compared to the previous year. VDZ sees the industry continuing in a stable environment for the years 2019 and 2020.
Concrete is versatile, economical, and sustainable, but also more difficult to handle than it might appear, as architects and contractors can attest. The reason for this is that concrete is actually a permeable material that allows moisture contained below the slab, or trapped in the concrete itself, to migrate as a vapor phase to the concrete surface. This moisture transfer phenomenon leads to many flooring failures with annual losses in the millions worldwide.
Over the years, there have been various methods employed by the industry to mitigate moisture problems when installing flooring over concrete in new and existing constructions. But, these methods can only be used in new construction or require complicated application in existing structures.
So what to do? To apply a moisture vapor barrier (MVB) coating on the surface of the concrete slab is a very effective solution to address moisture vapor that originates from either the ground soil or the concrete itself. Applicators can use this method for both existing and new construction jobs since it is the final step before applying the floor covering, such as tile, wood, carpet, laminate and more.
Evonik Ancamine epoxy curing agents are excellent choices for floors where a moisture barrier is required. They have improved EHS profiles, with low to zero VOC and can provide 2X faster cure speed than competitive products, offering users improved quality and performance in an environmentally friendlier product.
Crosslinkers - Creating Marketable and Intelligent Solutions
Mechanical strength, durability, chemical resistance and excellent color stability and adhesion properties – Evonik´s business line Crosslinkers offers tailor-made solutions for customers all over the world. As a raw material supplier, we have a profound understanding of the needs of our customers and their unique markets. Our range of products and expertise generates added value in a number of areas: from coatings and adhesives to civil engineering, high-performance elastomers and composites.
Ancamine® modified polyamine used as a curing agent for diluted liquid epoxy resin provides fast return to service cure rates and is a truly low emission product