DYNAPOL L 658 is a saturated, high molecular, branched copolyester.
Typical Applications
- Can coating
- Metal decorating and interior protection
Benefits at a glance
- Stoving enamels based on L 658 and amino resins resp. blocked polyisocyanate resins are very flexible, show high adhesion to metals
- Co-binder to increase the flexiblity of coatings
Product Details
Technical Data Sheets
Further Information
Please follow the instructions provided in the safety data sheet.
DYNAPOL L 658 is available as bags
Shelf life:
Protected from heat, sunlight, moisture and foreign materials, the shelf life of DYNAPOL® L 658 is at least one (1) year from the date of delivery when stored in unopened original packaging at temperatures below 25°C. Due to the low glass transition temperature the granules can show blocking at elevated temperature and pressure.