DYNAPOL L 490 is a saturated, high molecular, slightly branched copolyester.
Typical Applications
- Can coating
- Flexible packaging
- Heat sealing lacquers
Benefits at a glance
- Stoving enamels based on L 490 and amino resins resp. blocked polyisocyanate resins are very flexible and show good adhesion to metals
Product Details
Technical Data Sheets
Further Information
Please follow the instructions provided in the safety data sheet.
DYNAPOL L 490 is available as bags
Shelf life:
Protected from heat, sunlight, moisture and foreign materials, the shelf life of DYNAPOL® L 490 is at least one (1) year from the date of delivery when stored in unopened original packaging at temperatures below 25°C. Note: L 490 solutions can become hazy on storage. Due to the low glass transition temperature the granules can show blocking at elevated temperature and pressure.