DYNAPOL® LH 832-02

DYNAPOL LH 832-02 is a saturated, medium molecular, branched, hydroxylated polyester resin.

Typical Applications

  • Coil coatings - top coats and one coat-systems for exterior and interior architecture
  • Coil coatings - top coats for appliance cladding

Benefits at a glance

  • High reactivity
  • High flexibility with good ahdesion to metals

Product Details

Further Information


Please follow the instructions provided in the safety data sheet.


DYNAPOL LH 832-02 is available as drums & IBCs

Shelf life:

Protected from heat, sunlight, moisture and foreign materials, the shelf life of DYNAPOL® LH 832-02 is at least one (1) year from the date of delivery when stored in unopened original packaging at temperatures below 25°C.