Ancamine® DL50 curing agent is a liquid mixture of aromatic amines based on methylenedianiline (MDA). In addition to MDA, Ancamine® DL50 cura-tive contains polymethylene polyanilines and aro-matic amines with functionality greater than 4. The multi-functional nature of polymethylene polyanili-nes can increase the crosslink density of a com-pletely cured epoxy compared with methyl-enedianiline. Ancamine DL50 curative is best suited for use as an epoxy curative in forced cure applications. This aromatic, multifunctional curative can be used to produce high-strength, chemically-resistant, elevated temperature tolerant epoxy parts. Epoxy systems cured with Ancamine DL50 curative offer excellent resistance to water, acid, alkali and hydrocarbon solvents.

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