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Extended lifespan and reduced maintenance costs 

Corrosion Protection 

Reinforced concrete structures such as bridges, parking garages or port facilities are designed to withstand heavy duty loads. However, water and de-icing salts have a significant impact on the buildings: They cause corrosion – one of the greatest risks for reinforced concrete. Over time, penetrating water and the contaminants therein destroy the passivation layer of the steel. In particular, pitting corrosion – small pits that eat deep into the reinforcing steel undetected – significantly endanger the structure of a building. Depending on the extent of the damage, this can compromise the stability of the building and at worst even lead to a risk of collapse.  

Reinforced concrete can be preserved for decades with Protectosil® 

Anti-corrosion agents from Evonik protect reinforced concrete buildings against destructive corrosion. They react with the concrete’s components, creating a water-repellent bond that keeps out water and the dissolved chloride ions therein. In addition, Protectosil® products bond with the surface of the steel reinforcement, forming a long-lasting protective passivation layer and preventing corrosion from occurring in the first place. This extends the building structure’s lifespan by up to 100 years. 

Help for bridges requiring rehabilitation  

Protectosil® CIT can prevent further decay even in bridges in severe need of repair: For almost 80 percent of causes, damage to reinforced concrete can be prevented or stopped in its tracks through treatment with the silane-based anti-corrosion systems from Evonik. Scientific studies prove that it ensures effective protection.  

An added benefit: The surface can be used again as soon as the anti-corrosion agent has been applied and has cured. Because it cures quickly, roads, bridges or parking garages do not need to be cordoned off for extended periods of time.

Corrosion protection with Protectosil® lowers maintenance costs – and CO2

When building new bridges or parking garages, it is important to ensure the highest level of resilience as early as during the construction phase. Protectosil® products can ensure ideal protection against weather and environmental influences from day one. The expense and effort pay off, as using these products lower maintenance costs considerably. The ecological aspect is an added benefit, as manufacturing concrete releases large quantities of CO2. For example, one of the largest railway bridges in Germany required 60,000 metric tons of reinforced concrete. Unfortunately, many of the bridges in Germany are in a shocking condition. By rehabilitating and protecting the bridge using Protectosil® instead of simply building a brand-new one, an enormous amount of CO2 – and also money – was saved.

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To prevent significant, cost-intensive damage, it is necessary to detect corrosion in good time and take countermeasures. Protectosil® CIT is also effective on concrete with cracking as well as on structures already affected by corrosion and stops further deterioration of the reinforced concrete.

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Infrastructure buildings make up a significant part of private and public investments. It is therefore all the more important to counteract the corrosion of reinforcing steels. Protectosil® corrosion protection agents form a protection with special depth effect.

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Damage to reinforced concrete structures often begins with the penetration of water and contaminants dissolved in it into the building material, which can endanger their stability. Protectosil® CIT protects the bridge piers of the Hangzhou Bay Bridge, China, anchored deep in the seabed, from corrosion.

The benefits at a glance: 

  • Protects reinforced concrete structures from decay through corrosion, in particular bridges or parking garages 
  • Lifespan extended – by up to 100 years 
  • Stops the corrosion process in already damaged structures 
  • Renews the steel’s passivation layer 
  • Scientifically proven to be effective 
  • Short drying times – bridges or parking garages can be used again quickly 
  • Significant reduction in maintenance costs 
