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No damage from the sun, cold or rain 

Stone Consolidation 

Monuments and statues are built to last forever – after all, their purpose is to remind us of important people or historical events. Over the years, however, they are exposed to the weather – the building substance becomes porous, efflorescence and discolorations appear and layers of the substrate can even break or flake off. 

Consolidation and protection of natural stone and bricks 

Protectosil® stone consolidation products prevent this damage. For example, Protectosil® SH is used to protect natural stone from weather influences. Another important application is the consolidation of bricks and terra-cotta. 

Treated building materials have improved chemical and thermal resistance, as well as enhanced mechanical properties – the material is consolidated. For example, the over 100-year-old Charlottenburg Gate in Berlin was given weather protection using Protectosil® SH, and has remained resplendent in all its old glory since then. 

Protectosil® WS 808 has a two-fold effect 

Protectosil® WS 808 is suitable for impregnating building materials such as roof tiles, floor tiles and terra-cotta, but can also be used to protect sandstone and gypsum. In addition to consolidating the mineral building substance, Protectosil® WS 808 also provide hydrophobization – combining two effects in one product. 

This special building protection product covers the masonry with a colorless protective layer and penetrates deep into the building material. Water and contaminants therein cannot penetrate the building material, yet it remains breathable and thus allows water vapor to pass through. At the same time, the formation of ugly white deposits is significantly reduced. 

One special advantage of Protectosil® WS 808 is that it can be used to treat both new building materials and stones that have already been damaged due to the impact of the weather. As a result, they are more resistant and durable.  

The benefits at a glance: 

  • Long-lasting protection against weather influences 
  • Consolidation of the building substance 
  • Colorless protective layer that does not alter the surface appearance
