Leverage Relationships to Co-create Sourcing Value

We are using Ariba Sourcing and Ariba Catalog Management to make our purchase-to-pay collaboration with you as our suppliers as easy and efficient as possible. Please have a look at our SAP Ariba Manual for more information.

We operate in a fast-paced environment which requires our Procurement organization to be agile and innovative. Automating and digitizing labor intensive and time-consuming Procurement processes makes our collaboration with our suppliers more efficient and contributes to agility by freeing up much needed time and resources within our organization for strategic activities. 

SAP Ariba is one digital solution that increases the efficiency of our collaboration. If you have not registered at SAP Ariba yet, we encourage you to join the SAP Ariba Network. Membership comes with great advantages, including the possibility to:

  • Efficiently offer catalog items to a broad Evonik community
  • Offer non-catalog solutions as a partner to our community
  • Receive and confirm purchase orders through the SAP Ariba Network
  • Collaborate easily with Evonik on bidding events
  • Engage in business opportunities with Evonik via the Ariba platform 

Currently, Evonik Procurement is using the following SAP Ariba functions for making the purchase-to-pay collaboration easy and efficient:

  • Ariba Sourcing: With Ariba Sourcing, you, as a supplier, can submit your bids on Requests for Quotes (RFQs) easily on the Ariba portal.
  • Ariba Guided Buying: Within Ariba Guided Buying, using Catalog Management (including static Catalogs, Punch-Out Catalogs and Quote Request functionality), you, as a supplier, can upload and update your product information via a simple user interface. This enables both Evonik and the supplier to buy and sell both stock and non-stock items more efficiently. 

To become either a catalog supplier to Evonik or to submit bids in a Sourcing Event, you need to complete some steps in advance. 

Step 1: Create an SAP Ariba Network Account, if you donĀ“t yet have one already 

Step 2: Get a registration invitation from Evonik (contact your known buyer if you have not received an invitation to register) 

Step 3: Fill out and submit the Evonik specific registration form 


For more information, please download the Ariba Registration Process Supplier Manual:

If you are invited to participate in a tender or bidding event, you will need to submit bids through Ariba Sourcing. Please follow the following steps to participate: 

Step 1: You will receive a notification email with a link to a sourcing event 

Step 2: If you are already registered, log in and accept the pre-conditions of the event (Otherwise  please follow the steps outlined in the "General Registration and Onboarding" tab.) 

Step 3: Submit your bid in your SAP Ariba Portal 

Step 4: Wait for information about the bidding results. Evonik will inform you accordingly


For more information, pleas download the SAP Ariba Supplier Manual for Sourcing Events: 

To start using the various functions of SAP Ariba Guided Buying (catalogs and quote request functionality), here are the general steps: 

Step 1: When you have been chosen to become a catalog supplier to Evonik, you will be informed  by your respective Evonik Buyer (including contract signing, etc.) 

Step 2: If you have not been registered yet in the SAP Ariba Network, you need to refer to the above-mentioned registration steps. Please note that you require an SAP Ariba Enterprise account in order to be able to provide a catalog

Step 3: Evonik nominates you as a new catalog supplier to SAP Ariba. Then you will be guided through the initial catalog creation by SAP Ariba directly

Step 4: Upload the agreed-upon catalog content to the SAP Ariba Network 

Step 5: Receive and confirm purchase orders through the network

For further information regarding account creation & testing, catalog creation, and management, please refer to the documents below: 

Further Information on SAP Ariba

For easy access to the SAP Supplier Portal, please click on the link below.

In the SAP Ariba Supplier Portal, you can find information about their terms & conditions, supplier code of conduct, and more. 

For any SAP Ariba related technical questions, please contact the SAP Ariba Help Center.