Observing compliance rules strengthens the trust of our business partners, shareholders and general public in Evonik and its employees. Therefore, every employee is required to respect our compliance rules. The main compliance requirements are set out in our Code of Conduct. 

House of Compliance

The House of Compliance (HoC) summarizes the compliance issues identified as particularly relevant to our company.



The House of Compliance has been established to define minimum Group-wide standards for the relevant compliance management systems in relation to the topics specified above and to ensure that these standards are implemented. Decision-making, exchange of experience, and coordination of the joint activities all take place in the Compliance Committee, which is comprised of the heads of the individual departments, who are independently responsible for their subject area, and the head of Corporate Audit. The Chief Compliance Officer is the chair of the Compliance Committee and coordinates its activities.

The topics of environment, safety, and health are combined in a separate corporate division.

Compliance Management System

The compliance management system to be implemented and refined by the individual House of Compliance departments comprises, on the basis of defined values and objectives, the instruments shown in the chart above and any measures to be taken.

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