Case studies

Endless ideas for an endless circular economy

As a result of the Big Bang, all the particles of matter that make up the universe today, were created. Nothing has been added, nothing has been lost. The universe always forms new structures from this particle kit and lets them disintegrate again. Plants, people, planets.

In the plastics industry, we are not yet as good as the universe. That’s why we at Evonik aim to enable companies in the plastics industry to establish an efficient cycle. By sharing our knowledge. By supplying the required chemicals. And by making the right contacts.

In our case studies, you can see examples of how diverse, simple, and sustainable our solutions are. If you would like to find out more, you will find an expert contact at the end of each case study.

Discover our solutions in practice

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Recycling mattresses

So we can sleep with peace of mind: Evonik develops a new hydrolysis process for mattress recycling.

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Recycling tires

First on the road, then in the road: VESTENAMER® turns old car tires into new road surfaces.

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Wild trash becomes wild trash bags: Evonik supports a process to enable cost-efficient recycling of plastic waste from the environment.

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Monomaterial seat

In the car seat on the journey to monomaterials: A car seat entirely made of VESTAMID®.

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Enabling design for recycling in plastic food packaging

Heat seal bindes with recyclability in mind: Enable sorting of plastic material coated with DEGACRYL® HS based coatings.

Stack of four new red tyres for winter car on blue background

Recycling of dyed and dirty PET waste

Worn sneakers go pure fiber: Evonik helps to recycle dyed and dirty PET waste into new fiber.