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Purchase to Pay at Evonik

Leverage Relationships to Co-create Sourcing Value

At Evonik Procurement, we are always looking for ways to make our invoice handling process more efficient and are very committed to on time payments. You can support us by implementing our invoice and submission requirements and by submitting your invoice via our preferred invoice receipt channels.

Although still accepted, we strongly advise you as our suppliers not to submit hard copies of your invoices but opt for an electronic version instead. This makes our handling process more efficient and ensures timely payment.

On the following pages we have outlined the invoice and submission requirements in the regions that we operate in. We thank you for your collaboration!

Europe, Middle-East, Africa

  • Invoice Status: Please check your invoice status in our vendor portal.
  • Vendor Inquiries: For any vendor inquiries including invoice related questions, please contact us via the contact form provided in the vendor portal.

Invoices as PDF/ TIF that meet our quality standards help us expedite our invoice handling process and payment. Please familiarize yourself with our invoice & submission requirements before submitting your invoice.  

Please submit your invoice to the designated e-mail address. A list containing valid Evonik company names as well as e-mail addresses for invoice submissions can be viewed on the following page. 


  • Invoice Status: Please check your invoice status in our vendor portal.
  • Vendor Inquiries: For any vendor inquiries including invoice related questions, please contact us via the contact form provided in the vendor portal.

Invoices as PDF/ TIF that are meet our quality standards help us expedite our invoice handling process and payment. Please familiarize yourself with our invoice & submission requirements before submitting your invoice.  

Please submit your invoice to the designated e-mail address. A list containing valid Evonik company names as well as e-mail addresses for invoice submissions can be viewed on the following page. 

North America

  • Invoice Status: Please check your invoice status in our vendor portal
  • Vendor Inquiries: For any vendor inquiries including invoice related questions, please contact us via the contact form provided in the vendor portal

Invoices as PDF/ TIF that meet our quality standards help us expedite processing and payment. You will find more information about our invoice & submission requirements for the U.S. and Canada on the following page. 

Please submit your invoice to the designated e-mail address. A list containing valid Evonik company names as well as e-mail addresses for invoice submissions can be viewed on the following page. 

Evonik offers electronic ACH payments to all our U.S. and Canadian vendors. Find out more about the advantages and how you can enroll on the next page. 


  • Estado de la Factura: Por favor compruebe el estado de su factura en nuestro portal de proveedores
  • Consultas de Proveedores: Para cualquier informacion incluidas preguntas relacionadas con facturas, comuníquese con nosotros a través del formulario de contacto que se proporciona en el portal de proveedores

Evonik está comprometido con la optimización continua de las interfaces con nuestros proveedores para lograr un proceso de compra y pago eficiente aunado al mejor desempeño de pago a tiempo.

Los siguientes vínculos le guiarán a través de las opciones y requisitos de facturación a Evonik en los diferentes países de América Latina: