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Order Confirmation Requirements

Leverage Relationships to Co-create Sourcing Value

We want to keep our processing times as short as possible and keep manual efforts for us and you at a minimum. By adhering to a standardized format and submitting your confirmation information with good data quality, you can help us do that.

We thank you for your effort and collaboration. 


Please submit your order confirmations to as a PDF or TIF file. Kindly note that the designated e-mail address is for submission only. It is also a non-monitored mailbox.

Please submit all inquiries, including questions and requests that require further assistance from our Evonik Procurement team, to This includes the request for revision of a purchase order (PO), for example. 

Please note that Evonik does not send revised POs upon receiving an order confirmation. Should you need a revised PO, please send a request to the e-mail address in this info box. 

Quality Standards

Kindly implement the following quality standards prior to submitting your order confirmation to us. Thank you! 

  1. Please do not use password protection or encryption within the e-mail attachment
  2. Supported file types: PDF or TIF
  3. Please send your order confirmation to Do not copy any other recipients

  1. Please attach only one order confirmation per PDF file
  2. One order confirmation per purchase order (PO)
  3. Please write a valid PO number and order confirmation number on all order confirmations
  4. If any necessary attachments (e.g., terms & conditions) need to be sent together with the order confirmation, please attach the order confirmation first. Any additional documents should be attached as subsequential attachments

  1. The term "Order Confirmation“ should be indicated on top of the document
  2. Please indicate the order confirmation number and document date on top of the order confirmation
  3. The Evonik "Bill to" company name should to be stated on the order confirmation, if applicable. Kindly also include the division name if appropriate 
  4. Evonik "Ship to" address should be stated correctly on the order confirmation
  5. Please note that the PO number of Evonik is 10 digits long, starting with 47xxxxxxxx
  6. Line item description of goods or services, including Evonik material, if applicable, needs to be stated on the order confirmation
  7. Line item number on the order confirmation should match the PO line item
  8. Should a line item be divided into parts, please list the parts in the order confirmation as follows: (1)- Name of line item (2) - Name of line item part (3) - Name of line item part etc.       
  9. Delivery date should be stated clearly in or mm.dd.yyyy (day format) or ww.yyyy (week format) on the order confirmation. The format of the date depends on the standard used in your country
  10. Please avoid writing the delivery date in free text style (e.g., delivery will take place in 5 days)
  11. Quantity of items should be stated in the order confirmation
  12. Units of measure in the order confirmation should match the PO
  13. Net amount per line item should be stated in the order confirmation
  14. Currency in the order confirmation should match the PO and should also be stated in ISO code (e.g., EUR, USD)
  15. Please avoid handwriting any content 
  16. Ideally, order confirmations have a white background and are written in black to guarantee a good contrast for our scanning software
  17. Please avoid shading header boxes on the order confirmation
  18. Any extra charges or rebates have to be stated separately from ordered line items. Please have a look at our template below, to see how you should state extra charges
  19. Kindly ensure that the payment terms and incoterms in the order confirmation match the PO


Order confirmation templates are available for download here.