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June 16, 2025


This year, the focus of the fair is on applied expertise in the management of soil-water systems, which is being further developed with innovative components. Our soil and groundwater remediation experts will report on the application of All-In-One ISCO technology to treat harmful contaminants at a former pharmaceutical plant in Italy and describe a current application of KLOZUR® technology for ISCO treatment of a contaminated aquifer.


Alberto Leombruni will speak on the following topic in the thematic area “In-situ chemical oxidation: optimized design approaches and lessons learned”: 

Application of an All-In-One ISCO Technology for the treatment of monochlorobenzene, BTEX and chloroform in groundwater at a former Pharmaceutical Facility in Italy 

Alberto Leombruni | Technical Business Manager | Europe
Brant Smith | Director of Technology Persulfates | Soil & Groundwater Remediation
Mike Mueller | Business Manager | Europe, Middle East & Africa

Background and Objectives

Activated KLOZUR® persulfate creates a multi-radical attack providing greater oxidation power capable of treating common and the most recalcitrant compounds alike. KLOZUR® persulfates include both sodium (SP) and potassium (KP) products. Both dissolve to provide the persulfate anion, which is typically stable for weeks to months.

Sodium persulfate is highly soluble and available to react at the time of application whereas the low solubility of potassium persulfate has been observed to provide extended release of the persulfate anion over months to years. This allows immediate distribution in the subsurface with the stability providing a greater radius of influence and allowing more time to make contact and degrade a wide variety of contaminants in soil and groundwater, including chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons, and PAH’s.

KLOZUR® CR, a blend of KLOZUR® SP (sodium persulfate) and PERMEOX® Ultra (extended-release calcium peroxide), coupled with KLOZUR® KP has been selected as the best long-lasting treatment solution for the contaminants of this site by providing immediate treatment with the Klozur® SP and extended treatment with both the PERMEOX® Ultra and KLOZUR® KP.

Approach and Activities

KLOZUR® technology has been successfully applied at several sites in Italy within the past few years. This presentation will discuss the broader program using specific sites as case studies. One of these specific sites was at a densely populated urban area site in the northern Italy. The site was characterized by historical contamination of various toxic compounds.

The site, a dismantled former pharmaceutical facility, was impacted by the storage of hydrocarbons and chlorinates solvents which have resulted in the groundwater contamination, including benzene (~ 1000 µg/L), monochlorobenzene (~ 250000 µg/L), chloroform (~ 54000 µg/L) and light TPHs (~ 16000 µg/L).

In 2022, a successful pilot has been implemented injecting on site a total of 5600 kg of KLOZUR® CR along with 1700 kg of KLOZUR® KP in a 25% aqueous solution. In 2023, full scale has been completed applying approximately 29 MT of KLOZUR® CR and 9 MT of KLOZUR® KP in a 25% aqueous solution. 

Results and Lessons Learned

The combined remedy of ISCO followed by bioremediation has proven successful in treating petroleum hydrocarbon and chlorinated solvent contamination.

With regard to the Northern Italy site, following 12 months after the full-scale application, the concentrations of contaminants had reached and maintained concentrations below the remediation goals in all monitoring piezometers in the treatment area. In particular, TPHs were reduced by greater than 85 percent, while MCB was reduced by greater than 95 percent.

Monitoring data confirmed sustained elevation of oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) and dissolved oxygen (DO) as necessary subsurface conditions to support treatment.