Here we publish further information as part of our comprehensive sustainability reporting.
Why sustainability is part of Evonik's self-image – and what this means in concrete terms for our company and our stakeholders.
Presentation Sustainability at Evonik 2024
We have developed our sustainability strategy in constant exchange with our stakeholders. The results of our materiality analysis and the Sustainable Development Goals have been incorporated into this.
The sustainability analysis supports our operating units in the development of their businesses or products in the respective markets. It complements our strategic business analyses and identifies opportunities and risks in the value chain.
Culture eats the strategy for breakfast – this statement leaves nothing to be desired in terms of clarity. Nevertheless, it often seems to fall by the wayside when it comes to implementing corporate strategies. One thing is clear: culture and strategy are mutually dependent.
Our sustainability management is based on the criterion of materiality. In 2022, we conducted a fundamentally new materiality analysis.
We deal with the effects of our own business activities. To this end, we regularly measure and evaluate the direct and indirect impacts of our business in terms of economic, environmental and social aspects.
Evonik's climate targets are in line with the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
- Commitment to Paris Agreement on Climate Change underscored
- Reduction of scope 1 and 2 emissions by 25 percent by 2030
- Scope 3 emissions reduction of around 11 percent by 2030
Evonik takes a group-wide approach to its human rights commitments, including modern slavery. We understand modern slavery as an overarching term, including forced labor, forced child labor, bonded labor or dept bondage, and human trafficking.