Window Sealants

Window Integrity: Sealed by Chemistry

Window sealants are crucial in the automotive and transport industries. They prevent the infiltration of water, air and dust. They also provide sound-absorbing and safety relevant functions. Silanes in window sealants, like the ones in Evonik’s DYNASYLAN® range, act as adhesion promoter. The silanes improve the adhesion strength between the sealant and various substrates like glass, metal, and plastics, whereby the windscreens form a rigid and safety-relevant structure with the vehicle frame. The silanes also improve the mechanical properties of sealants, by not only strengthening them, but also making them more durable and flexible. The sealant can therefore easily absorb thermal expansion and contraction, as well as withstand UV exposure and temperature fluctuations. Thanks to DYNASYLAN® silanes the sealant remains functional over the vehicle’s lifespan.


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