Mechanical Rubber Goods

Increased Service Life and Less Abrasion

There are countless applications for technical rubber articles. From drive belts to tubes, bicycle tires, and seals. The performance of the rubber compounds can be further optimised by the Silica/Silane filler system. ULTRASIL® precipitated silica and AEROSIL® fumed silica by Evonik improve the tear strength, dimensional stability and durability of mechanical rubber goods (MRG) as reinforcing fillers, while organosilanes bring about the necessary chemical cross-links between silica and the rubber compound. The combination of the three results in the desired durability and strength of the material. With COUPSIL® and DYNASYLAN®, Evonik offers two silane-based products that, together with ULTRASIL® and AEROSIL® silica reduce the abrasion and rolling resistance of technical rubber articles. This leads to less energy consumption and increases the service life of the rubber. Toothed belts in vehicles therefore need to be replaced less frequently, for example, which has cost-saving effects





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