Europe, Middle East & Africa

Invoice Requirements & Submissions

Leverage Relationships to Co-create Sourcing Value

Please have a look at our e-mail, file and invoice quality requirements for Europe, Middle-East & Africa. They are outlined on this page.

At Evonik, we are committed to on time payment. By complying to the following invoice and submission requirements, you can help us keep our processing times short. We thank you for your collaboration!


Please have a look at our quality standards and requirements before submitting your invoice to us. Thank you! 

Quality Standards

Please have a look at our quality standards and requirements before submitting your invoice to us. Thank you! 

  1. Please avoid using password protection or encryption within your e-mail attachment
  2. Supported file types include PDF and TIF
  3. Each invoice should only be submitted once to the dedicated e-mail address. A list of Evonik company names and e-mail addresses is provided on the next page

  1. Each PDF attachment shall only contain one invoice
  2. Invoices with more than one page should not be split into separate documents
  3. Please add any information relevant to the invoice together with the invoice in one attachment
  4. The invoice needs to be placed on the first page, supporting documents should follow on the subsequent pages of the attachment
  5. Multiple attachments can be sent in one email


Kindly state the following information correctly and clearly on the invoice:

  • Evonik “bill-to” company
  • VAT registered number (if applicable)
  • Evonik “ship-to” address (if applicable)
  • Invoice reference number
  • Quantity of items matched against purchase order (PO) (if applicable)
  • Unit of measure on invoice must match the PO
  • Valid purchase order with line item number (if applicable) must be stated on invoice and match the PO (Example: PO#4702800354-10 ; 10 = line item 10)
  • Line item description of goods or services, including material numbers of Evonik (if applicable)
  • Vendor bank account details including bank name and bank account number for the payment


Please have a look at the additional requirements stated here below as well. 

  1. Content on invoice should be printed or typed. Please avoid handwriting your invoices 
  2. All information, including figures, should be legible (data should not be blocked)
  3. Vendors should bill the agreed price as indicated on PO or accepted by the requester
  4. Invoice should be the original and be clearly marked as invoice, sales invoice, or tax invoice
  5. Payment terms on invoice should match the PO or agreement with Evonik
  6. Invoice should be sent in for processing immediately after being issued by the vendor
  7. All tax invoices should fulfill respective VAT/GST requirements per respective country regulation (if applicable)
  8. Invoice should have a white background to guarantee a good contrast for our scanning software
  9. Shading of header boxes on the invoice should be avoided

The invoice should contain the Evonik contact name that authorized the purchase of goods or requested the service. This is only applicable if an Evonik purchase order was not issued to you (in exceptional cases only).

Please note that invoices related to freight charges need to fulfill the following requirements.

  1. Vendor (commercial) invoice has to be attached behind freight invoice (inbound)
  2. Import permit has to be attached behind freight invoice (inbound)
  3. Sales order & delivery order/shipment number is required on the invoice (outbound)
  4. Bill of lading (BL) & export document has to be attached behind the freight invoice (outbound)
